Kasunanan Palace is the main palace in Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia. Penembahan Senapati's name was Sutowijoyo, and he was king of the Mataram kingdom from 1585 until 1601. Raden Mas Jolang's title Susuhunan Hadi Prabu Hanyakrawati replaced the Mataram kingdom until 1913. King Hanyakrawati Hadi died, and it continues by Sultan Agung Hanyakrakusuma, who ruled from 1613 until 1645. When Sultan Agung had rules, Mataram's kingdom was at the height of glory. It caused many kingdoms to be conquered by him, the kings of the north coast of Central Java and East Java, West Kalimantan, Surabaya Madura, and Cirebon.
Sultan Agung was a religious person, and he was not so happy with the Netherlands troops, who colonized Java Island. Sultan Agung aspired to rule the whole of Java but failed. There were three political forces, namely Mataram, Banten, and VOC Batavia by the time. The displeasure of Sultan Agung in the Netherlands can be seen when Sultan Agung attacked VOC in Batavia two times, as the center of the Dutch power on Java Island. The attempt failed due to the outbreak of disease, and it was a lack of food because the Dutch burned the barn. As a courtesy, the Sultan Agung Indonesian government was awarded as one of the national heroes who tried to expel invaders from Indonesia.
He was smart to organize controlled economic and political relations with other regions. Evidence of cooperation in economics is Palembang and Jambi rely upon the rice needs of Mataram, causing people in Palembang and Jambi to plant pepper rather than rice. Mataram kingdom established a relationship with the Portuguese in Malacca in 1641. Mataram kingdom sent rice to the Portuguese in Malacca, while the Portuguese in Malacca provided the required clothing and necessities of war. The evidence of cooperation politics was given protection to Palembang and Jambi to avoid the expansion of Banten and Aceh. The protection ended in the year 1642, and VOC destroyed it in Palembang.