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Ramayana Ballet Dance

The story of the Ramayana Ballet Dance begins when King Janaka holds a contest to find a companion for his daughter named Goddess Shinta who is eventually won by Rama Wijaya. The adventure of Rama, Shinta, and Rama's brother Laksmana in the Dandaka forest. When they were in the Dandaka forest, they met Rahwana who wanted to own Dewi Sinta because it was considered to be the incarnation of Goddess Widowati, a woman who had been looking for him. To attract the attention of Sinta, Rahwana changed there as one of his followers named Marica into dear. These efforts worked because Shinta was attracted and asked Rama to hunt.

Laksmana looks back after a long period, while Sinta left and harbored circle magic that can not be touched by anyone. Protection fails because after Rahwana abducted Shinta successfully, he changed himself to be highly Durna. Jatayu bird tried to help Dewi Shinta, but its wings were cut off by Rahwana. Rama and Laksmana knew that Rahana had kidnapped Dewi Shinta from the Jatayu bird. In search of Rama and warlord allied with the forces of the king ape named Sugriwa and also with that is a magical white monkey, Hanuman. He ordered to look for Dewi Shinta Alenka Government was finally caught by the team of Ravana and burnt alive, but Hanoman got away. Hanoman attracts fire and jumps over fire then burns the Alenka Kingdom.

Dewi Shinta was successfully snapped back by Hanuman from the hands of Rahwana, a nimble and powerful ape. But when she was brought back to Rama, Shinta did not believe anymore, and she considered herself stained. Shinta asked to burn his life, to prove his purity and sanctity Shinta proved himself because his life is not the slightest will not burn but more beautiful. Rama Wijaya eventually takes Shinta back into his arms.

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