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Bakpia Pathok

Bakpia Pathok is a typical local food, and the cake is found everywhere in Yogyakarta. Visitors who travels to Jogjakarta normally would love to have Bakpia as a gift for relatives or family when they visit. Bakpia cake is made ​​from flour ingredients basic and nuts. There are some flavours taste of Bakpia cake, for example, sweet taste, sticky, and various other flavours, depending on the content of the skin of Bakpia cake.

There are many types of Bakpia in Yogyakarta town, and one famous is Pathok centrally located in Yogyakarta city. The Bakpia Pathok produced on Pathok Street has changed its name to K.S Tubun Street.

Every package of Bakpia Pathok surely ends with brand numbers, such as Bakpia 25, 55, 75, or sometimes with the brand name of the owner. That describes the number of addresses where Bakpia produces, no need to be confused or concerned with the authenticity of flavour for Bakpia Pathok because the cake is certainly named Bakpia Pathok.