Pentingsari Village is an educational center of Javanese culture in Yogyakarta. The first person who inhabited Pentingsari village was Kyai Jokarto's Grandmother. He was a soldier of Prince Diponegoro who lived around the year 1790-1905 and occupied land in Pentingsari village as a hiding place and struggles as well as a place to live due to their strategic location place.
There was never anyone who kept a long time in the village of Pentingsari ordeals such as riots, diseases, and disorders of spirits who inhabit the Kuning River and Pawon River. Kyai Jokerto was the only person who overcame all the distractions, and it was because of his power to divert the flow of lava from Mount Merapi, which did not lead to Pentingsari village.
Pentingasi village shaped like a peninsula, at the west of the valley, was steep at that time. There are Yellow and south valleys of Ledok cave or Ponting in the village. There was a steep valley at that time named Pawon and in the north part was a plain that connected directly to Umbulharjo village.
Pentingsari consists of 2 villages, namely; Bonorejo and Pentingsari. Bonorejo is in the south part of Pentingsari, and a family of Bonorejo Mertokromo and Kyai Jokerto originally inhabited the north part. At the time, Umbulharjo became a village around the year 1895, Pentingsari Umbulharjo village changed into Pentingsari's name caused him. Pentingsari village is still relatively new compared to the other tourist villages in the Sleman area inaugurated on May 15' 2008.